Applications for the Glenn Gould Bach Fellowship 2023-2025 will open in April 2022. Updated application details regarding the next Fellowship will be published shortly.
Applications must include a detailed biography, a discography and filmography (i.e. a list of professionally produced audio recordings and filmed recordings) with live links and a project proposal. Biographies (two pages max) should include details on the applicant's educational background, the range and depth of their performing experience and what they consider to be their most outstanding achievements to date. Applicants should also take care to provide their name, date of birth and contact details. Live links to at least one hour of filmed performance should be included. Only professionally produced materials will be considered. Finally, applicants must include a project proposal (one page maximum) focused on music of the Baroque (constituted here to mean Western Art-Music written between 1600 and 1750). In this they should outline what the fundamental goal of their project is and how they intend to achieve it. Applicants should give consideration to the underlying philosophy guiding their project and how the completed artistic artefact(s) will bring a new perspective to the material in question.
(for Glenn Gould Bach Fellowship 2020 / 21 / 22

May 25th 2020: Launch of the Fellowship with Founding Fellow. Applications open for the Glenn Gould Bach Fellowship 2021-23.

September 30th 2020 (at 5pm GMT): Applications close for the Glenn Gould Bach Fellowship 2021-23.

October 2020: the Pre-selection Committee draw up a shortlist of candidates.

November 2020: Interviews for shortlisted candidates take place before a specially convened Selection Panel.

April 2021: Announcement of the next Glenn Gould Bach Fellow 2021-2023 at the Thuringia Bach Festival.

Autumn 2022: The new Archive for the Glenn Gould Bach Fellowship is officially launched.