Application Parameters:
Applicants must submit their applications by email to no later than 17.00 GMT/UTC on September 30th 2022. Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Project Proposals should have a clear, realizable objective. Project Proposals that are too disparate, or that include too many objectives, are less competitive than those that propose a balanced, focused goal. Applicants should give consideration to the form which their completed project takes, and how the artefact(s) produced will bring fresh perspectives to the subject area in question.
The Glenn Gould Bach Fellowship may only be awarded to an individual applicant.
Collaborations within the project are welcome; however, applicants intending to work with a specific partner should be prepared to describe the scope of their partner’s collaborative work within the project.
Application Materials:
All Applicants must submit two forms (which can be downloaded below) in PDF format:
* Form One: General Application Form *
The General application form consists of three parts: personal details; a biography; and an outline of work.
Personal details
Applicants will need to provide basic information such as their name, date of birth, contact details, etc.
Applicants should give a brief narrative account of their career, describing their previous accomplishments. This account should mention prizes, honors, awards and significant grants or fellowships that the applicant has held or now holds. It should also outline their experience as a professional performer – naming all significant venues they have performed in alongside collaborations, concerto performances, solo recitals, they have undertaken throughout their career.
Outline of Work
Recordings / Films / Media Projects: A complete list of professionally produced and released recordings and/or Films and/or Media Projects* is required (*media Projects can encompass anything from virtual or enhanced reality forms to special installations to unique multimedia projects). Applicants who have produced work within two or all three of the categories (as indicated above) should include a complete list of work produced within each category.
Applicants must provide hyperlinks to at least a one hour sample (overall / in total) of these recordings / films / media projects.
* Form Two: Fellowship Project Proposal *
Applicants should submit a Fellowship Project Proposal (1,000 words maximum) focused on music of the Baroque (constituted here to mean Western Art-Music written between 1600 and 1750). In this they should outline what the fundamental goal of their project is and how they intend to achieve it. The originality and freshness of the project must also form a key concern; while consideration too must be given to the underlying philosophy guiding their project and how the completed artistic artefact(s) will bring a new perspective to the material in question.
When designing their project proposal, applicants must take particular note of the following:
(a) Projects should have a clear objective and this objective must be capable of being supported by the Fellowship Funding.
(b) Those applicants who already have a preexisting binding agreement or preexisting understanding (either formal or informal) with another partner that forms part of the realization of their project must disclose this in their application - and any financial commitments or understandings involved must also be disclosed. Failure to do so may jeopardize the overall application in question.
During the applications process, the administration of the Glenn Gould Bach Fellowship will sometimes request further clarifications and seek more information on project proposals submitted. This can also include questions on any aspect of the application.
All applicants must complete the two documents below; then send both completed documents in one email to
The two documents are:
1, General Application Form (includes personal details, biography & outline of work)
Download here:
2. Fellowship Project Proposal
Download here:
For an application to be considered complete, it must contain both completed documents. Applications that do not contain both completed documents will not be considered.
Applicants may submit additional supplementary documents which they deem helpful to their overall application. For example, Applicants may submit testimonials, references or an indicative budget outline if they feel it may help support their overall application. However, such additional documents should be kept to a minimum and should only be used to provide additional information not already covered in the principal two forms (the General Application Form and the Fellowship Proposal Form) and which is nonetheless pertinent to the overall application.
There is no application fee. Simply complete the two principal documents and send to
Applications for the Glenn Gould Bach Fellowship 2023-2025 must be received by September 30th 2022 at 17.00 GMT / UTC.
Please note that late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.